Saturday, August 30, 2008

No me gusto Gustav!!

Hey ppl. Ya may not see another post from me in a minute due to the rapidly approaching Hurricane Gustav, who had to come at the worst possible time ever. And Idk if I'mma be near a wireless network. Or near anyone with a PC. Idk where i'm even going for sure yet, but I'm goin with The Honey and his parents to their relatives/a hotel. Not the way I want things be it. Everyone else on the Coast, be safe. LOVE EVERYONE.


Don said...

Hope things are better down in the N.O......

Renee said...

Well, I'm not exactly from N.O. but close enough, LOL. We dodged a MAJOR bullet. We didn't get hit directly. BUT to the parishes that did, my prayers go out to you.

Are you satisfied with the current film rating system?