Thursday, September 11, 2008

Elizabitch Hasselbeck is starting to get on my damn nerves!

Okay...when Rosie was on the View, I sided with her cuz it was just nice to see someone stand up to Rosie. Especially after the whole thing with Trump, because she thinks she's smarter and funnier than she truly is. I used to love her show but now I can't stand her.

HOWEVER Elizabeth Hassleback is statrtig to irritate the hell outta me! I don't feel like posting the videos nor do I have the time, becuase I'm actually supposed to be continuing my weather alerts for fam and friends in the area who are at work and can't watch the live press conferences that Gov. Jindal and our local officials are having every so many hours because of Hurricane Ike, which poses a HUGE threat to us right now. But go on YouTube and look up her talking about Michelle Obama and then proceeding in other vids to stick her head all up Sarah Palin's ass...or vagina sine the only reason she seems so thrilled is because she's a womn. NEWS FLASH: I am just as much for women breakin barriers as the next female, BUT all women are not created equal. SHE IS NOT THE ONE. Plain and simple.

OOPS...gotta go Hurrican update on right now and I'm bogging, LOL.

Monday, September 8, 2008 we go a-effin-gain!!!

Hurricane Ike is headed towards the Gulf. If Southern Louisiana is forced to evacuate it will be the 2 time in 10 days. I LOVE Louisiana but this is enough to make a sister wanna move. Then to top it off, FEMA or the state don't wanna reimburse my area for the expenses we acquired during Gustav. So now if Ike comes and....OMG. I don't even wanna go into it again. I been ranting and raving about it all day. Just pray for the Gulf Coast.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm Baaaaaack! (And POWs rock, specially Dr. Butler)

Hey ppl! Hurricane Gustav barely missed us, praise God. BUt to those that were hit, my prayers and sympathy are withoyu. I remember what Rita did to my area 3 yrs ago.

Anyways, first thing first..... big ups to anyone who participated in the Midnight Fantasies Lake Front Tour 08. For those of you who dunno, its a big car show in the Louisiana area. Me thinks it may go elsewhere too though but I'm not sure, LOL. But yeah, I just left there...the judging hadn't been announced but I would hate to be one of those judges because there were a LOT of hot cars out there. I enjoyed myself. Too bad my DC was full and my memory card is broke (don't ask) or I'd have pics. But I can't wait til me and The Honey get some fly, souped up whips to enter.

Uh...I had so much stuff I wanted to write about over the time we had evacuated but in the chaos that is being a refugee, I forgot, LOL!!

Found this online today, on PASS IT ON!!

(If it doesn't bad, I'm workin' on it.) OBAMA/BIDEN 08!!!

'Kay, I'm pressed for time right now, but I'm going to be posting something MUCH more serious later that I think could spark some interesting conversations. So keep ya eyes peeled for a new post.

Til theeeeeeen.....

Are you satisfied with the current film rating system?